Strawberry Coconut Soup for a Summer Brunch Recipe on Food52 (2024)


by: TheWimpyVegetarian



3 Ratings

  • Serves 4

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Author Notes

When I went a little crazy about a month ago buying many more strawberries at a farmers market than I would EVER need, I started experimenting with making strawberry soups. This is one of the versions I really liked that didn't take any cooking. Since there aren't many ingredients to this recipe, the quality of each ingredient is really important. This is not where you want to use strawberries that are on their last leg. Also, because there can be quite a range of sweetness in fresh strawberries, I advise you to start with 1/2 of the sugar and then add more as needed. I used raw coconut nectar for the sugar, but agave nectar will work just as well without any adjustments. If you're new to coconut nectar, it's made from the sap of the coconut tree. It's minimally processed, is gluten-free, and loaded with Vitamins B, C and amino acids. But, as a warning, like many alternative healthy food products, it doesn't come cheap. This would be a great soup to use as a starter for a summer brunch or afternooon tea, but I had a bowl for breakfast this morning and that seemed pretty good too... - ChezSuzanne —TheWimpyVegetarian

Test Kitchen Notes

ChezSuzanne's soup is rich with the flavor of fresh strawberries and thick with coconut milk. It's a refreshing yet satisfying dish that would be wonderful to serve during the warmer months. A squeeze of lime really brightens the dish and it comes together in no time at all. Garnish with a touch of lime zest before serving for an extra burst of citrus flavor. - Annie "Smalls" —Annie "Smalls"

  • Test Kitchen-Approved
  • 1 1/2 poundsfresh strawberries, hulled
  • 2 tablespoonsraw coconut nectar (or agave nectar)
  • 1/2 cupplus 1 tablespoon coconut milk
  • 1 1/2 teaspoonsfreshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/8 teaspoonsalt
  1. Throw the strawberries in a food processor or blender and process until complete smooth and liquid-y. Strain through a food mill, chinoise or other fine mesh strainer to remove the seeds. You should end up with about 2 cups of strawberry puree in the end. Pour the puree into a bowl.
  2. Add the nectar, coconut milk, lime juice and salt. Whisk until the soup is completely smooth.
  3. Chill until ready to serve.


  • Soup
  • Caribbean
  • Fruit
  • Coconut
  • Lime Juice
  • Milk/Cream
  • Strawberry
  • Summer
  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegetarian
  • Breakfast
Contest Entries
  • Your Best Dish in the Raw

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10 Reviews

AntoniaJames July 7, 2011

I've had my eye on this since you posted it. What an irresistible combination . . . strawberry, coconut and lime. I'm making this soon. And congrats on the EP! Recipes like this are what summer's all about. Simple as that. ;o)

TheWimpyVegetarian July 7, 2011

Thanks so much AJ! I'd love to hear your thoughts if you try it! It's a very refreshing soup.

Lizthechef July 7, 2011

Congrats on your EP - I missed this one...

TheWimpyVegetarian July 7, 2011

Thanks so much, Liz! I've been out most of the day and just got back - what a nice surprise this was!

fiveandspice June 29, 2011

This sounds absolutely gorgeously delicious. I don't love most cold soups, but I can definitely imagine loving this one. Strawberry and coconut milk together is a wonderful idea!

TheWimpyVegetarian June 29, 2011

Thanks so much fiveandspice!! I really hope you like it. It's so refreshing and so delicately pretty. Would love to hear your thoughts if you make it!

lapadia June 29, 2011

Yum, ChezSuzanne, love coconut nectar, used it in my sorbet entry!

TheWimpyVegetarian June 29, 2011

Thanks lapadia! Me too. I used it this morning on my grapefruit. To die for. I'll go check out your sorbet right now!!

TheWimpyVegetarian June 25, 2011

Thanks much chaoscookie for your kind comments!! Coconut is my newest favorite ingredient that I've been working with for several months now. I love the subtle coconut flavors I can pull into something like this soup. I hope you like it if you try it!

chaoscookie June 25, 2011

This soup sounds divine! I'm not necessarily a nut about raw foods but with how hot it's getting these days, a chilled fruity puree would be right up my alley. Plus I'm always looking for sneaky ways to blend coconut in with other flavors, since it's a taste I love but have to cater to a picky eater in the household. It's refreshing to see a fruit soup recipe that isn't laden with wine and could almost pass for a smoothie instead.

Strawberry Coconut Soup for a Summer Brunch Recipe on Food52 (2024)
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