Sunday on Monday: 2024 Book of Mormon (2024)

Alma 13-16: Rest

Read this powerful request from Alma: “I wish from the inmost part of my heart, and with great anxiety even unto pain, that you would hearken unto my words…” (Alma 13:27). He said this while preaching with Amulek to the people of Ammonihah, but what would follow applies just as much to us today. This week’s Come, Follow Me reading in Alma 13–16 tells us what these important words are and how they can lead us to our ultimate goal of God’s rest.


Alma 8–12: Rejoice

When speaking about Alma 8–12, Elder D. Todd Christofferson once shared, “Our day is a replay of Book of Mormon history in which charismatic figures pursue unrighteous dominion over others, celebrate sexual license, and promote accumulating wealth as the object of our existence. Their philosophies ‘justify in committing a little sin’ [2 Nephi 28:28] or even a lot of sin, but none can offer redemption. That comes only through the blood of the Lamb” (“The Love of God,” October 2021). Thankfully, these scriptures teach that we can find hope in Christ’s redemption and a reason to rejoice—for everyone.


Alma 5–7: Imagine

Who out there likes to bake or cook? Is there a recipe that you are known for, and do you have to follow it to a T? Today’s study of Alma 5-7 contains a recipe for testimony that all of us can be known for and there is a guarantee of success which thankfully has nothing to do with actual culinary skills.


Mosiah 29–Alma 4: Reign of the Judges

What is the foundation of a testimony? In Mosiah 29 through Alma 4 there are many reasons for the people to question what they believe–they have temporal trials, popular figures mixing lies with doctrine, and many of their friends and family leave the fold of God. Nevertheless the Nephites were strengthened by the Lord. And we can strengthen our testimonies through their stories of perseverance.


Mosiah 25–28: Snatched

Have you been born again? A concept brought up to Nicodemus is still relevant today, and was especially relevant to Alma and the sons of Mosiah in this week’s Come, Follow Me reading Mosiah 25–28. It was also on the mind of President James E. Faust when he taught that “we cannot be fully converted until we ‘walk in newness of life’ and are at heart a new person, ‘purged from [our] old sins.’”


Mosiah 18–24: Unity

Mosiah 18-24 covers many groups of people and their interactions with each other. Despite contentions, the goal of the righteous is always unity. Elder Cook taught this in the April 2024 General Conference when he said “Oneness with Christ and our Heavenly Father can be obtained through the Savior’s atonement.” So this week we will be studying how the atonement of Christ will help us knit our hearts together in unity and love.


The Book of Mormon Art Catalog’s mission includes furthering scholarship on Book of Mormon art and increasing the ability for everyone to use a wide variety of images in our worship and study. We will look at several pieces depicting the events of this week’s Come, Follow Me study of Mosiah 11–17. Let the visuals bring the stories alive in new, detailed ways!


Mosiah 7–10: Seer

It’s been a month since the last general conference. The messages are available to go back and read, and we’ve had an opportunity to let their words soak in. The last two weeks in Come, Follow Me also cover a conference of sorts when King Benjamin spoke to his people. Now, along with our study of Mosiah 7–10, we’ll relate this message on the power of prophets to the most recent words from our living prophets and general authorities today.


Mosiah 4–6: Believe

There is a familiar refrain in King Benjamin’s address. It comes up like the chorus in a great hymn multiple times during this week’s Come, Follow Me lesson of Mosiah 4–6. He asks his people, and us, to believe. Believe on the name of Christ and all the things He can do. And hopefully, our reaction can mirror his people’s when they rejoiced and said, “Yea, we believe” (Mosiah 5:2).


Mosiah 1–3: Preserve

The people of King Benjamin gathered, with tents pointed to the temple, to hear the words in this week’s reading of Mosiah 1–3. It was a time to give offerings, crown a new king, and hear the word of God from his mouthpiece. And that message starts with the Plan of Salvation, centered on the Atonement of Christ.


Enos–Words of Mormon: Personal

There are formative moments in all of our lives. Some can be funny stories to share at parties, while others are intensely personal—reserved for telling only those closest to you. The succession of prophets we will read about in Enos through Words of Mormon carried on the tradition of recording stories, even if these leaders had to distill their whole lives into just a few sentences. We can learn from their examples how writing and testifying can change the lives of generations.


Jacob 5–7: Allegory

This year’s theme on Sunday on Monday is to anticipate Jesus. In Jacob 5–7, we find one of the most poetic ways prophets have looked forward to His coming and return—the allegory of the olive tree. We will look for Christ in this parable, discussing where we are in the story and what we can do to anticipate Him in our lives every day.


Jacob 1–4: Pride

The prophet Jacob in the Book of Mormon felt the weight of his calling, and the pains of his people. He uses a word that many of us can relate to today in describing his state of mind—anxiety. In reading Jacob 1–4 we’ll see if we can find out what is causing Jacob’s anxiety, how we can relate, and the advice he has for everyone who has felt like he has.


Easter: Kaphar

What do you think of when you hear the word cover? There are blankets that cover you when you’re cold, you can cover a friend’s tab when going out to eat, or law enforcement or military cover their partners when lives are on the line. The Come, Follow Me lesson this week gives more context to covering, and how that term connects to the ancient translation of atonement. Today we have a special Easter episode with multiple guests sharing their experiences of Jesus Christ covering them.


2 Nephi 31–33: Obey

Nephi knows what it’s like to feel deeply discouraged and alone. He even wrote that he “watered [his] pillow by night” because of his fears for his people (see 2 Nephi 33:3). But as he trusted in the Lord, he found true joy, peace, and belonging. In this week’s readings from 2 Nephi 31–33, we’ll study this faithful prophet’s final words about how we can partake of God’s goodness.


2 Nephi 26–30: Marvelous

God will do whatever He says He is going to do. This is a promise we can trust. Keep that in mind as we read through the prophecies of the last days contained in this week’s Come, Follow Me reading from 2 Nephi 26–30. There are marvelous miracles in store as we come unto Him “line upon line” (see 2 Nephi 28:30).


2 Nephi 20-25: Delight

The September 2021 publication of the Friend magazine included the song “Peace in Christ” by Nik Day. The first verse reads: “There is peace in Christ / When we learn of Him. / Feel the love He felt for us / When He bore our sins. / Listen to His words. / Let them come alive. / If we know Him as He is, / There is peace in Christ.” Keep this song in mind while studying 2 Nephi 20–25 because the words of Isaiah about Christ can bring us peace in a world of division, captivity, sorrow, and destruction. And if there’s one thing we could all use a little bit more of now in the world, it’s peace.


2 Nephi 11-19: Isaiah

A theme song on TV immediately clues you in on what you are about to watch. There are themes in the scriptures, too, that hint at what you’ll read in the following chapters—especially the words of Isaiah. This week’s Come, Follow Me study focuses on 2 Nephi 11–19, which quotes much of the early chapters of Isaiah. And by starting at the beginning, we can find a clear theme in these passages: symbols of the Savior, Jesus Christ.


2 Nephi 6–10: Hebraism

In 2 Nephi 6–10, Jacob encourages the covenant people always to remember God, just as He always remembers us. Jacob teaches from the words of Isaiah to help his people learn about God’s promised blessings and glorify His name. Today, as we study these passages, we’ll discuss how we can fulfill those words as well.


2 Nephi 3–5: Joseph

Even after experiencing loss and trials in the wilderness, Nephi says his family lived “after the manner of happiness” (2 Nephi 5:27). What does that look like for us, and how can we learn from Nephi and his people’s examples? As we study 2 Nephi 3–5, we can hopefully reaffirm, as Nephi did in his psalm, that despite temptation and conflict, our hearts rejoice—and we can trust in God forever.


2 Nephi 1–2: Compound

This week’s Come, Follow Me section is relatively short—but not at all short on doctrine. The prophet Lehi’s final words are packed with so much eternal truth. We'll focus on listening and learning by the Spirit as we study together from 2 Nephi 1–2.


1 Nephi 16–22: It Came to Pass

With all the heartache, suffering, and devastation going on in the world, it’s easy to wonder why bad things happen to good people. But instead, what if we consider how good people respond when bad things happen? This is the approach we’ll take as we study and learn from 1 Nephi 16–22. Looking at it this way helps us realize challenges can bring us to a place where we’re most likely to meet God. And if bad things happening help us get to know God better, then many of you have met him 100 times over.


1 Nephi 11–15: The Lamb

Last week, we left off with 1 Nephi 10:17 when Nephi told us he was desirous that he might see, hear, and know of the things in his father’s vision. That’s a big ask—to see, hear, and know. So, what are you desirous to learn? As we go over 1 Nephi 11–15, we’ll explore what Nephi found out and how to apply these things in our lives.


1 Nephi 6–10: Dreamed a Dream

This week, we get to study 1 Nephi 6–10 and focus on Lehi’s dream. If you have read these chapters many times, the Come, Follow Me manual challenges us this time to think about the vision the way Lehi did—within the context of our families and those we love. This approach will help us see symbols like the iron rod, the great and spacious building, and the tree of life in a new light, revealing deeper lessons that apply to our daily lives.


1 Nephi 1–5: Tender Mercies

In last October’s general conference, Sister Tamara W. Runia challenged us to “zoom out to view family relationships as a powerful vehicle to teach us the lessons we came here to learn as we turn to the Savior.” Many of us are familiar with the story of Lehi and his family leaving Jerusalem and going back to get the plates. Today, our challenge is to zoom out and view the family relationships in this story, exploring how the lessons in 1 Nephi 1–5 can turn us to God and the Savior.


Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon: Keystone

Christmas is over—did everyone get what they were hoping for? Well, there is one more gift to open. We are told in the introduction to the Book of Mormon that it was given by the “gift and power of God.” Our gift for all of 2024 is the Book of Mormon, and we will accept and unwrap that gift as we spend all year anticipating Jesus.

Sunday on Monday: 2024 Book of Mormon (2024)


What is the famous line from the Book of Mormon? ›

I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.

How to get answers to questions LDS? ›

Here are five ways to seek answers in the Lord's way.
  1. Look at Questions as an Opportunity to Grow. We are naturally curious people, so questions will always come. ...
  2. Hold On to What You Already Know. ...
  3. Learn by the Spirit. ...
  4. Move Forward with Faith. ...
  5. Trust That Answers Will Come in the Lord's Time.

What is the most important word in the Book of Mormon is remember? ›

Because we have made covenants with God, he said, “our greatest need is to remember” them. You can find the word remember throughout the scriptures. When Nephi admonished his brothers, often he invited them to remember the Lord's words and to remember how God had saved their forefathers (see 1 Nephi 15:11, 25; 17:40).

How to listen to Sunday on Monday podcast? ›

Listen to full weekly episodes of Sunday on Monday with Bookshelf PLUS+ | Start your free trial at See for privacy information.

What is the most used word in the Book of Mormon? ›

The most-used Book of Mormon word, “unto,” signifies to me the very purpose of this sacred record. This book is meant to draw me unto the Father and His Son.

Is hasa diga eebowai a real phrase? ›

“Hasa Diga Eebowai”

In The Book of Mormon, the Ugandans — who are dealing with poverty, warlords, famine, and AIDS— say the Swahili-like (but made-up) phrase “hasa diga Eebowai.” But it doesn't mean “No worries for the rest of your days.”

What are the primary answers LDS? ›

Primary Answers refers to the actions or habits that can help an individual deal with life's problems, find happiness, feel peace, maintain confidence in Heavenly Father's watch care, and other blessings.

Why are some prayers not answered LDS? ›

If we are having a hard time receiving answers to prayer, we can make sure we are worthy of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. President Nelson taught: “If something is stopping us from opening the door to heavenly direction, we may need to repent.

What is gossiping LDS talk? ›


When we gossip, we idly discuss someone's weaknesses or problems when that person is not present. Gossip harms not only those who are being talked about, but also those who gossip and those who listen. Heavenly Father wants us to look for and speak of the good in others and eliminate gossip from our lives.

What is the motto of the Mormon Church? ›

"Choose the right" is a saying or motto among members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) that is taught to children and used by members of the church as a reminder to make choices that will help an individual to live righteously.

What is written on every LDS temple? ›

The phrases “Holiness to the Lord” and “The House of the Lord” are found near the entrance of every temple and remind us that each is a sacred place.

What does the Book of Mormon actually say? ›

The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. As the Bible is a record of God's dealings with the inhabitants of the Eastern Hemisphere, the Book of Mormon tells of a people who were led by God from Jerusalem to the Western Hemisphere 600 years prior to the birth of the Savior.

Who is the host of Sunday on Monday? ›

Come to a special celebration with “Sunday on Monday” podcast host, Tammy Uzelac Hall!

Who is Tammy Uzelac Hall? ›

Tammy is an author as well as host of the Deseret Bookshelf plus/LDS Living podcast: Sunday on Monday. She received both her bachelor's and master's Degrees from BYU.

Why do podcasts come out on Wednesdays? ›

However, for most hosts, the best day to release podcast episodes is during weekdays or workdays. This is because people commute to work during these days. Megaphone pinpoints that the day that garners the most downloads is Tuesday. Wednesday is the second most popular publishing time slot alongside Thursday.

What is the line in the Book of Mormon the chosen? ›

Some fans and viewers have since pointed out the line's similarity to a Book of Mormon verse, 3 Nephi 15:9, which reads, “Behold, I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life.”

What was Joseph Smith's famous quote? ›

The best way to obtain truth and wisdom is not to ask it from books, but to go to God in prayer, and obtain divine teaching.” Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 191.

What is the Mormon motto? ›

"Choose the right" is a saying or motto among members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) that is taught to children and used by members of the church as a reminder to make choices that will help an individual to live righteously.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.